. Resources for Authors and Speakers

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The M.E.L.T. Method Eases Writer Back Aches

Writers who spend long hours sitting in front of the computer will LOVE the Hand and Foot Remedy Kit from the M.E.L.T. Method system. It really helps! I use them every day and have given a set to each and every one of my family members.

You know how sitting shortens your hamstrings and tightens your hips and lower back? You know how staring at a computer screen, mouse in hand, makes your neck ache? M.E.L.T. stands for "myofascial elongating and lengthening technique."

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The Sedona Method

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EmWave technology is also used to enhance meditation, prayer, sleep, and general wellbeing.
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Stephanie Gunning Enterprises LLCPhone (212) 802-7856Email contact@stephaniegunning.com

© 2007-2012 by Stephanie Gunning
Webdesign by Marici New York