The Writer’s Book of Inspiration


The Writer’s Book of Inspiration: Quotes on Writing and the Literary Life

Selected and Edited by Stephanie Gunning

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Funny, perceptive, and practical—this compendium of memorable quotations from our favorite writers and great literary figures shows us that, as word smiths, we are not alone in how or why we choose to meet the challenge of the blank page. Despite the fact that writing is an often sloppy and sometimes frustrating process, it is also an exhilarating, joyful, entertaining, and even noble, endeavor, which, if done honestly and practiced faithfully, ultimately reveals every aspect of the human condition. Here you will find encouragement, advice, and motivation, along with belly laughs. A gift for everyone who writes, or longs to, THE WRITER’S BOOK OF INSPIRATION reads like the conversation at a gathering of old, close friends.